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060Bio LLC

060Bio LLC

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Long has been the wait for effective control of invasive Zebra and Quagga mussels. These invasive species were first noticed in the US in 1984, but they have been a headache for a variety of industries around the world for much longer. They travel from place to place by attaching themselves to anything and everything they can. A boat goes in a lake with mussels, gets contaminated, comes out and goes into another lake; 2nd lake is now contaminated, and so on. Forty-six of the 50 states have some form of contamination from Zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) or Quagga (Dreissena bugensis) mussels. Lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, irrigation canals; almost any body of water is susceptible. Federal task forces have been formed, state agencies alerted, local authorities focused. Billions of taxpayers dollars and private industry funds have been spent, millions of man-hours logged, and thousands of solutions have been tested trying to find an adequate solution to the nationwide problem. John Sawyer has succeeded where no one else has. He developed an effective, non-toxic Zebra and Quagga mussel repellant.

060bio, LLC is a company that was formed to produce and market the repellant Dr Sawyer developed. The company decided the first product would be focused on the marina/boat owner community, so the “Dock Disk” was born. and the “anti-mussel technology” was patented in 2016. The “Dock Disk” is a soft foam disk that one hangs in the water around whatever structure that is needed to be mussel-free. The anti-mussel technology can be formed to serve a number of different industries because it is safe, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Anything affected by clogged intake lines; utilities, drinking water, manufacturers, irrigation, can safely and effectively use the technology behind the Dock Disk.


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